Wednesday, August 04, 2004

its sort of a sesame seed paste...

today started out not so great, but now its been going quite well : ) yay for david n.!!! i was talking with dave online when he suddenly demanded that i come over and eat string beans, rice and tahini sauce so, of course, i complied to his wishes, well actually he drove the lengthy two blocks so i wouldn't have to walk them, yay for friends that support me in my lazy endeavours(yes that's the british way to spell it and thats ok, hehe) so, i had a delicious meal, skillfully prepared by one of my favorite dave's and then we proceeded to barnes and noble to read children's books. of course the entire time i was reading the stories to dave he was marvelling at the amount of children in the children's section...i love my friends. anyways, then we bought a peach smoothie for samantha who just got her wisdom teeth out this morning, poor baby. so we visited our favorite chipmunk and gave her the yummy smoothie and just had a grand ol' time. yay for that!! then later on i mowed the lawn, well almost, i finish the front and half of the back before i broke the lawn mower...hehe oops, but never fear, dad fixed it and then finished mowing for me, what a nice daddy! :) so now i'm about to leave for church and see some more awesome people! score for me, hehe yay for being in a much better mood, but that's what friends are for aren't they? i love you guys.


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