Tuesday, August 10, 2004

You see flowers in these weeds...

well school starts tomorrow. and every so often my feelings towards it switch back and forth. i am dreading going back, doing work, getting up early, etc etc, but then again i can't wait to see a bunch of my friends and have open lunch and all that good stuff. but also, sadly, all of my really good friends, my best friends, are all going off to college or going back to college this year. and the summer that i spent with all of them was wonderful, SO wondeful, and it just kills me to see it all come to a close : ( and even though i can still talk to them and visit them a few times. its not the same. i'm not a part of their life anymore, not a big part, or an essential part, maybe its selfish of me to think like that, but all i know is that it kills me. i'm just gonna be another spectator in their new chapter of life, another person they give weekly updates to on what clubs they've joined and what awesome people they have met. so i'm just sitting on the side of the road and watching as a huge portion of my life is packing up all of their clothes and posters and getting ready to drive off east or west or north or south, wherever any of them are headed, its away from home. and it kills me. so heres goes one more year, and then i get to leave the rest of the people i love to start some crazy new adventure in college. c'est la vie. i guess... man, i'm not really sure how i suddenly got in this downish mood... its ok though, at least i'll get to visit all my crazy college friends and i'll eventually be ungrounded and all will be well. and none of that matters anyway because no matter what God is good and God is faithful and God loves me, always, and I'm never going to forget that again. : )


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