Wednesday, April 20, 2005


ok, so i've been a horribly lazy bum and not updated in forever, but i honestly think only one person reads this thing and he already knows everything that i write in here. but by golly, i'm going to update anyway. my eighteenth birthday was yesterday and it was nice. i had family birthday time and presents on monday and played lots of lacrosse yesterday. it was nice, we had cupcakes and singing on the bus for my birthday, almost got 18 goals. yes we killed them, and i got to play goalie the whole game. hehe yay. school is wrapping up, teachers are going crazy on review and i'm just relaxing, and by relaxing i mean playing lacrosse 24/7. my end of year voice recital is coming up, and i swear i'm gonna cry at the end. i have just this year been realizing how much i absolutely LOVE voice and singing and all that jazz. oh goodness, i hope i can still do that in college, there are a lot of things i hope i get to do in college, but God definitely comes first. thats my main gola in life right now, jsut to put God first in everything i do. but man oh man is it hard. anyways, its for sure bedtime and i'll try to write more later, but i love you all! : )


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