Friday, September 03, 2004

oklahoma is not ok

ok, so i haven't updated in like two weeks, but i've been ridiculously busy and what not...
wow, way too much has happened in teh last two weeks to re-cap, but lots of good and some bad things too...oh well, i guess without the bad things, the good things wouldnt be so wonderful. so anyways, today was disappointing, b/c the cast list went up for the musical, i'm angry and disappointed and confused and sad. i didnt get the part i wanted, of course, and i just don't understand. *sigh* anyways, i'm trying to just get used to it, suck it up, and whatever. there's lots of good things i can think about...its just hard to when you had a bad day. oh well. lots of other things in my life have been very awesome, so yay for that. withot sadness there would be no happiness. anyways, another wonderfulwonderful thing is that David is coming home tonight!!! yay! so i'll get to see him tomorrow! I'm so excited. and also, i'm spending the night at UNC with sam on sunday so yay i get to see her too!! so hopefully that will cheer up my presently dreary weekend : ) anyways, i have to go practice my toga-making skills and hopefully have way much fun at the dudley game tonight!

"its like trying to walk when you never really ever learned how to in the first place"
-yours truly


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