So this is the new year.
So this is the new year.
And I just got back from one of the best weekends of my life. wow. God is good. He has blessed me so much in everything. I got to spend this new years weekend with some of my favorite people in the entire world. a gigantic and beautiful beach house, gorgeous beach, tons of food and amazing friends (18 people to be exact, lol) getting all dressed up for new years, dancing, singing, movies, photography out the wazoo, fireworks, making squirrel friends, late night convos, pool table, iTrips, ten people in a camry, walking barefoot in the sand, gorgeous weather, breathtaking sunsets, God's presence. I mean wow, God was all over this weekend, and it was just a bunch of friends who all love Jesus getting together to have fun, but nonetheless, as always, God showed up. He is so good. we had a devotional/sharing/worship time this morning. and not only was what everyone had to say so incredibly encouraging, but the worship was one of the most annointed sounds I've ever heard. 18 voices, totally a cappella, just worshiping God. I swear the angels had to have been singing with us. wow.
God is amazing. This has just been such a blessed time for me, really learning more and more about God's goodness and faithfulness in the midst of everything, in every aspect of life. You can learn so much by just watching other people love Jesus. Its so wonderful.
Wow, sorry for the choppiness, I am just so full of everything right now, I can hardly express it all. This new year is going to be an absolutely amazing adventure. so many new things, new relationships, new classes, new situations, new challenges, new everything, and yet its the same God, the same love, the same amazing One who holds all things together and loves us all unconditionally. oh man its gonna be so good. Take me where you want me to go Lord, I'm all yours.
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