yes, its march
ok, ok. i know. i'm a very slack updater. oh well, life is busy, and when I have time, I'm too tired to post. Here's the scoop: God is absolutely AMAZING! hands down, best Thing EVER! : D! haha yay! He has been doing sooooooooo much in me! I'm on leadership like whoa in Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship here at UNC, worship team, bible study co-leader, general leadership, and on and on the list goes.... lol. It really has been so so so amazing. God is teaching me so many things in so so many facets of my life. I wish I could mention it all, but its just so so much! I'll try to update more though and write them down here. : ) God is good. I can't wait until spring break. I can't believe the semester is so close to being over! yayay! love love love to everyone! : D