Hold nothing back
Today was a day for blogging, defnitely. Not that I have all that much to say, nothing super deep, or super important, but just telling you bits and pieces of my life, which is generally what I always do, but for once, I actually feel like blogging. My post-voice lesson adrenaline rush from that high Bb is still going strong, so I'm taking advantage of the time. : )
I used to write my poems/artistic musings in pencil in hopes of being able to edit them later, but whenever I feel a poem/artistic musing come on, it happens in one big rush, like a bucket of water being dumped from my head onto my paper. So I have determined to always write them in pen, that way I can't mess with the original moment which inspired said poem/artistic musing, because every time I try to fix them and make them better, something just doesn't seem right about it, not at all. Some might say its a silly practice to try and get it right the very first time and let the cement harden instantly, but as I don't plan on ever publishing anything I write in my journal, I don't think its too hazardous. : )
Also, many of the things I have written a long time ago, at various times and situations, become relevant and sometimes even more meaningful than when I originally wrote it, and that just makes me glad. God uses even the tiny seemingly silly things to do great wonders, or just cheer someone up. Man is He good. : )
Also, the other day, I had the biggest urge I think I've ever had to paint something. Probably in the impressionistic style since I don't completely trust my abilities to accurately depict much of anything with paint. I think I'll break out the canvases this summer when no one's home and I'm feeling colorful. I can't wait, it's been forever since I actually painted something. I intend to take many an art course in college, finally, with all those high school trivialites like foreign language requirements out of the way, I'll have time for things I love. : D
God has so much planned for these next four years, I can just feel it, and it feels great. I don't know when I have anticipated something thats such a big change so much. And its not the "Oh boy oh boy I can't wait!!" giddy jumping up-and-down sort of thing, but the more patient, yet excited "Oh goodness gracious, I want to see what God is doing!" Geez, its gonna be so good, oh man is it ever. : D